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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Alkisah PLKN(Penjara Latihan Khidmat Neraka)

When I wuz F5 in the midst of preparing armours for the battle(SPM)...I kept wondering, "hish...kan bez klu bleh fast-forward masa ni..x pyh tension2 ngadap buku sokmo..dok relax2 jew after SPM!" n Alhamdulillah...I am endowed with xtra life-line to cherish the so-called THE HAPPIEST N LONGEST CUTI AFTER SPM-yay!!merdeka3! but suddenly as the reversed saying goes-evry silver lining has its own dark clouds...

My peaceful holidays and plans like getting a license etc. are lashed out by the mandatory PLKN(PENJARA LATIHAN KHIDMAT NERAKA) in Gunung Semanggol,Perak. UWAA!!!! WHY does Najib Tun Razak did not ask my views(on behalf of Young Malaysian..hihi) b4 he mooted diz PLKN stuff in 2004?WHY!!

To be short, after enduring the 3 months stint...finally I angguk2 with Najib's idea..I learn a lot there..My GURLZphobia (since I come from all-boys residential school)has been unlocked!!yay!! Thankx a lot to my frenz in PLKN-Mat Pet(sifu psl adjust2),Boo(teman makan mggi mlm2),bdak2 Hawk n also Kira Debe(meow yg chocoholic)..hihi

If someone approached me 1 day and ask."Cik, apakah pendapat cik tentang PLKN?"Pausing a little moment..... b4 grinning,"PLKN memang bermanfaat n bez giler!!(what da..?DAMN! I can't believe I am writing diz..haha) Kalau boleh saya nak syorkan pd kabinet agar meWAJIBKAN plkn bg setiap 18-years old Malaysian..(padan muka kowang..x kan nak biar...biar kowang dpt rasa bgaimana perasaan aku direnggut ngan PLKN...HUHU...kejam gak aku ni..)

Now...when I reflecting about the PLKN stuff, I am beginning to realise that it's all about what we think about something that makes a different...n human mind is comfortable with common things but mostly progress through differences.

For example, a tempoyak is tempoyak...x sedap...x jgk x tidak sedap(sori..ayat keling sket) moh kite tanye orang Bote(nama tempat di Perak) psl tempoyak...most probably we will received answers like diz-" Ate...kome mmg suke bebenor tempoyak nih wei..dh jd wajib... x ada x sah..klu mike nk bleh mike suruh orang rumah bungkus jap..."

AND.... y don't we bring an African living in Johannesberg to Malaysia n ask what do u think about tempoyak..n he most probably say,"oowh...diz tem-po-yek ini ssangat shedap..nice!!" tp dlm hati most probably-(what? u ask me about diz mum's Rumput Kering served with smoked akar kayu is far better...the bez in KAKABALOWA village..)silap2 diz African quoted Nabil Raja Lawak's trademark...LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI!!

Anyway...apart from that...I need to angguk2 geleng2 with the saying...X KENAL MAKA X CINTA...when relates my experience in PLKN...when we get used with the new environment, we begin 2 luv it...
but KALAU DAH KENAL X SEMESTINYA CINTA....maybe it could be converted to hatred(mcm dlm drama2 kt tv tu..)

KPD sume parent2.abg2 n kakak2 yg maybe their ank2/adk2 yg akan g PLKN n bakal mrasa pe yg aku dah rase...CaKaP KAT our younger generation...
"emm...kadang2 Penjara Latihan Khidmat Neraka ni kan ank2/adk2 boleh bertukar menjadi
Peluang Lepak2 Kalau Nak"
It's all depends on this!(sambil pointing on your head tp bleh gak kalau nak point kat lutut)
